Oh Gronk. It's the gift that keeps on giving.

Let's get to business! To defeat! The Huns!
Sorry, not sure what came over me.

Uh... is Zethos having a stroke?

Ha ha, what?
...this is fantastic.

The best part is that Jian's just standing there and hasn't said or done anything since Lucia went all blood vengeance.

Oh come on. Lucia has one cool, if incredibly goofy and out of character, moment, and you tell her to get back in the kitchen? Boo.

We have yet another solo Jian fight, and we don't even get to heal beforehand. Why couldn't this have been a solo Lucia fight? I mean, that would have been awful, but at least it'd be funny. Yes, before someone corrects me, she probably intended them both to fight Zethos, but my version is funnier so screw you.
Say, our hero having a solo fight with a barrel-chested beastman ruler. Sounds familiar...


Totally original.
This fight isn't a challenge, though. He won't do anything in the first round, and he doesn't do much damage. Sometimes he'll hit you twice, but that's it.

A couple of rounds in, he does... this. It doesn't seem to do-


I missed you, three hit combo.

Bitch, if he acted like a real king, you'd both had been executed the second you started running your mouths.

It's almost as though a random stranger coming out of nowhere offering help when you most needed it and having the exact information you need was too good to be true.

Good god will you all shut up already!

Yay, they stopped talking! Freedom!
Then again, to continue with the game we have to talk to Zethos again.

Let's stall a bit by... talking. At least we're talking about something else.

Yup. Only the best of the best.

Weren't you in a Disney movie?
...fine, let's just get this over with.

Those sound like interesting character moments. I wish I had seen them.

You mean ever? Yeah, I agree, except when the Dragon Caves are in the Frontier and the human Dragonmasters have to go to them and I just realized the game hasn't explained anything about the Frontier and the Vile Tribe. The Vile Tribe and the Frontier are part of Lunar canon, they're important terms, and the game hasn't really told you what they are.
Well, let's just get through this dialogue and then I'll explain it.

... couldn't have thought up a better way to keep Gabryel from these two humans? Very publicly cursing the human winner of your coliseum fights, which can't have done much to improve human/beast relations, is the best you could think of? That would be like if Hitler kneecapped Jesse Owens as he stood on the podium.

Which is why you have such a big chip on your shoulder about it?

Wait wait wait. I'm sorry, I really have to interject here. We're just... crossing a bridge into the Frontier? Okay, you see, if you've actually played Lunar, that doesn't make sense.
From this point onward, this game starts having a lot more Lunar-related plot points... and it gets it wrong. Surprise of surprises. I have to throw up a warning now: I'm going to have to discuss the plot Lunar 1, specifically the remake, Silver Star Story Complete, to describe why such and such plot point is stupid or makes no sense. Later on I'll have to go into spoilers. I'll mention plot points of the second game if I need to, but I'll make it a point not to spoil it (mainly because it's not as relevant, but also because there's an LP of Lunar 2 going on right now.)
So let's talk about the Vile Tribe. The Vile Tribe were a collection of... creatures and other assorted humanoids that once upon a time went "man, fuck Althena" and started wrecking havoc and being evil and shit. Althena didn't like this, so she banished them to the Frontier. The Frontier is a desolate wasteland where "the light from Goddess Althena does not shine." In both versions of Lunar 1, a decent chunk of the game is devoted to finding a way to get into the Frontier. In the original Lunar 1, you have to find a way to reactivate a long out of use magical fountain, and in the remake you have to get a cranky inventor to build you a balloon. Either way, getting into the Frontier is a tall task. One does not simply walk into the Frontier!
Before anyone mentions it; yes, geography in Lunar is... inconsistent. The world map between Lunar 1 and 2 is completely different. (and the Frontier isn't even in Lunar 2. Er, well, you can argue a certain area could be the Fro- look, it's not in Lunar 2 as far as one can tell) But one would think the Frontier being really hard to get to, since that's kind of the point of banishing something there, would be constant.

They don't actually move when she says that.

Are we done? Oh thank fuck. Finally, no more long, drawn-out dialogue!
Until we find Gabryel back and talk with her. At least can walk around and "explore."

Gentlemen, we can't relax in here! This is the peace hall!

This guy is a bit unique. He's not in a shop, but he sells stuff.

And what he sells is accessories, the first (and possibly only) place in the game where we can buy them. Honestly, he doesn't sell anything that exceptional, mostly stat-boosting rings and status protection stuff, and it's expensive as fuck. I almost never buy accessories in RPGs anyway, and I sure as hell didn't here.
He's also the only shop in town.

And this is the other part of town. Looks... cozy, I guess.

NPCs continue to be as engaging as always.

What does that have to do with getting ma- oh, I don't care.

Need I remind you again how that really shouldn't be possible?

Oh hey a thing that might happen in the future.

I didn't realize this until I got to the end of the conversation here, but Gab was supposed to have mumbled that last sentence (the text is the same as regular text and there's no animation, so there's nothing indicating that she's mumbling). At first, I just thought Lucia was being a bitch.

Have we stopped talking? We've stop talking! Now we can... go do a dungeon. Yay.

...there's only one shop in town.
Anyway, I didn't go straight to the bridge. A FAQ informed me that maybe I might want to make some money right now. So... more Gad's. Yay.

When we first went to the Cathedral of Althena, I was a little confused as to why this screen was here, but it's here because you have to pass through here to get back to port Olbeage. Then again, I don't know why the world map just can't let you go directly there, since "passing through" the Cathedral just means going through this screen.

Speaking of the Cathedral, it no longer has monsters in it. There was no blue chest or unique monsters, so who cares.

A random thought: why is this church smack dab in the middle of beastmen country filled with humans?

So the Chamber of Rebirth is in the Cathedral, and not in the tower. That's odd. Is Althena's Tower even in the game?

By the way, that's Althena's Tower, that's where she's supposed to live. And also where the Chamber of Rebirth is, and not in the Cathedral (it's called a shrine in the WD translations.)
Oh, and you may be wondering about that giant floating island. That's Vane.

Vane is the oldest city on Lunar. It apparently arose when the Goddess Althena flooded the earth with her tears. Vane floats around the Goddess Tower, and in the remake, explicitly protects the tower. The city is also home to a world-renown magic guild, where students come from all over to learn magic. Out of all the locations in Lunar, Vane is probably one of the most interesting and memorable. It's one of the two cities, along with Meribia, that appears in both Lunar 1 and 2. The creators clearly liked Vane, as the magic school in Walking School/Magic School is based on Vane, and a lot of the tie-in manga and novels heavily feature Vane.
Vane will not be appearing in this game. Neither will Meribia, for that matter.

Near as I can tell, Althena reincarnating does not do this. Also, since this game is a prequel, we know for a fact Althena cannot be permanently gone.

Uh, okay.
Speaking of which, Gad's.

Actually, I ended up hitting a good string of luck with Gad's. The mission pictured above required two items that can be purchased, and the item that can't be bought I have plenty of. Five Dorsal Fins is 80 silver, and four screws is 56. The net profit is 1208, more than worth it. And this mission just kept popping up. Sometimes it'd require going to Perit or Healriz, but since now over half of the available towns don't require going through the Thieves' Woods, I can just ignore jobs that require it. Ha ha! See you hell Thieves' Woods! Nah, we're totally going back.
Oh, and note the name given for the recipient for the package.

And this is who receives the package. Notice anything wrong?
Names being inconsistent happens a lot in this game.
While I get amass some money, I didn't spent it at this venture. Hell, I ended up with a respectable 9000 silver, and I still couldn't afford Lucia's best armor. Eh, everyone will be fine, actually.
Next time, a bridge. Woo.